Snack, Bakery, & Other Distributors

Originally known as “Margin Minder,” Salient helps distributors measure and improve customer profitability. Salient supports a unique data-discovery process that makes it easy to drill into gains & losses and identify actionable insights to improve sales and distribution. We pull data from your preferred route accounting system and other internal tools to provide an easy front-end for managers to help improve the business by leveraging your data.

heatmap of Product Categories and Stores to see how Categories are performing in each store

Salient’s Industry Templates Provide a Custom Starting Point for Business Users

  • Easily Drill Into Gains & Losses in any Area of the Business
  • Identify Voids in Chain Product Sales
  • Track % Distribution for any Brand or Item
  • Fact-Based Chain Account Negotiation
  • Allocate Trade Spend and Supplier Rebates to Customer Level
  • Easily Use Data for Business Reviews Internally or Externally
  • Identify ‘Lost Sales’ and New Product  Placement Opportunities

Salient Works With Major Distributors Like:

Julius Meinl logo
Barcel USA logo
Northeast Foods logo
Unilever logo

How Our Solution Works
