The Salient Ethos

We believe the most efficient way to continuously improve performance within a process is to break the hold of inertia by providing decision makers with a constant measure of the effect of their decisions on value, and to both incent and hold the individual accountable for performance on that measure.

In order to allow individuals to have accountability for the outcome of a process, you must empower that individual with information about the impacts of prior actions, from a perspective of value added or removed, to inform future action.

This access must embody all the following attributes in order to leave the chain of accountability intact:

  • The individual must be able to identify and access the information in the time that it is necessary to inform a decision.
  • The information presented must be relevant to the individual, the process they are engaged in, and the decision they are attempting to make.
  • The individual must be able to interrogate the information presented directly, without reliance on third parties.
  • In order to understand the root cause of the information presented, the individual must be able to interrogate the information across variables and down to the lowest possible level of granularity.
  • Accessing, interpreting, and interrogating the information must proceed at the speed at which questions occur to the user.

Solutions by Industry
