
Salient staffs industry-experienced business analysts who can provide relevant training and best practice knowledge-sharing, helping your team apply common templated workflows via our front-ends to identify opportunities and take action on customer and product-level specifics.  Our team can assist with common useful exception tests and study your data for opportunities. Salient also staffs an in-house team of about a dozen data integration professionals with senior DBA skills working with common industry data sources.

The software provides a foundation for the practice of value-focused continuous process improvement through its analytics and visual data mining technologies. Salient’s advisors provide the full gamut of services necessary to thoroughly model any business process to measure and improve results.

Category Analysis Services

Would you like a 3rd party perspective on potential voids, new product execution, segmentation of customer and product groups? Salient can perform data studies, provide draft recommendations and schedule findings and exception reporting to supplement periodic reviews.

Custom Bookmark Development

While the Salient visual designer is drag & drop and doesn’t require any query-writing or coding skills; clients can define custom visualizations and purpose-built custom widgets that are beyond what is offered out-of-box. Think of a warehouse visual blueprint with area efficiency metrics, a visual diagram of the supply and delivery chain, pre-defined workflows that take a user to a pre-determined related perspective of the business for customer reviews. Salient offers custom design and building services.

Machine Learning / AI

Have you been experimenting with Machine Learning?  Salient can directly support studies like market basket clusters, rule-based logic with nested if-then conditional business rules, run R-scripts and Python or even push ‘baseline’ detailed data to your preferred tool like MS Azure and pull results back in.  Consider running your ideas or challenge past a Salient consultant for assistance or advice on who to partner with.


Salient can be retained to study your data and provide insights on subjects like potential “Lost Placements” of active products that were driving significant revenue.  We can study potential over or under-servicing of key accounts.  Working together, we can assist in Perfect Store tracking to identify cross-selling opportunities and automate findings.

Technical Support

Salient makes sure it’s easy for you to speak to a real person, accessible via phone or web meeting to address any challenges.  We have developed monitoring tools that:

  • Pro-actively track the server data update processes
  • Create Notifications when there are potential issues whether the server is on-premises or fully hosted by Salient

Our managed services are available to take care of upgrades, configuration and monitoring of the Salient stack and related software and hardware.
